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Impact statement

The composition of the governing body.

There is currently one vacancy for a Co-opted Governor on the Board. We are all proud to be representatives on the Board of Governors at Pudsey Grammar School, we are a strong and robust set of 13 Governors. Louise White has just become our latest Governor to join us and she has filled the LEA vacancy, Louise will complete her training to which will allow her to become an integral part of the Board.

Meetings of the governing body and attendance.

The full governing body meets four times a year: all meetings are clerked by a trained professional. The three sub-committees also meet three times a year as described above. Governors have good attendance overall even though the majority have busy working lives. Apologies for non-attendance are considered on an individual basis; governors are aware through the code of conduct that non-attendance, which includes apologies not being accepted, will result in the removal of a governor six months from the first date of non-attendance, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

The work that Governors have done on our committees and in the Governing Body.

Governors have worked closely with the school, meeting regularly to review targets and monitor progress against the School Improvement Plan in order to drive up outcomes. We have also received regular impact statements from the school’s Task and Monitoring group, and attended these meetings, making contributions where appropriate. This has been a key aspect of monitoring the School Improvement Plan this year.

Governors continue to monitor the school finances on a regularly basis to ensure that they continue to be robust in the light of national funding shortfalls. This has involved regular one to one meetings with the Business Manager, reporting back to the Resources Committee and Full Governing Body. Governors have made recommendations on staffing structure, with particular regard to enhancing the Senior Leadership Team in order to gain capacity to effect improvements identified by the Task and Monitoring Group. Performance Management of staff has been closely monitored and presented to the Resources Committee. A staff survey of well-being was recommended by governors back in September 2018, but in light of the recent pandemic the Governors have recommended that this should be carried out again.

The Safeguarding Governor has met regularly with relevant staff in school and worked alongside the Deputy Headteacher in submitting the school’s most recent Safeguarding Audit carried out by the LEA, much of which was described as exemplary practice. This has been presented to, and discussed with, Governors.

The quality of Teaching and Learning is monitored by the Teaching and Learning Committee. Regular reports have been received, and subject areas visited in school to ensure good practice is evident. Governors attended the end of year teaching showcase event where staff presented the projects they had been working on all year. Governors noted the excellent retention of staff in 2020 / 2021, including the successful completion and retention of newly qualified teachers. Outcomes are also reported to this committee. A Governor has analysed the results in 2020 from 2020 in order to check that they have been accurately reported. This committee also examines careers progression and equalities issues, making recommendations as a result of student voice. Governors have received presentations from the SEND co-ordinator regarding literacy and numeracy outcomes and the effectiveness of interventions.

Attendance has been tackled robustly and new strategies have been put in place and presented to the Student Support Committee. The link governor has ratified the outcomes by meeting with the Senior Leader now responsible. Outcomes are much improved.

The progress of Pupil Premium students has also been monitored by the Student Support Committee and the link governor has carried out a valuable student voice exercise concerning barriers to learning which was presented to the Governors and acted upon by the Senior Leader responsible for this strand. Impact shows that progress and attendance for these pupils has improved.

Although this has been a difficult time, Governors have continued to supported events wherever possible, monitoring visits have been carried out virtually on all areas of school life. Each Governor has been assigned a link role that they have investigated to gain an insight and understanding of the day to day operations within the school. These are reported back to the relevant sub-committee meetings and allow them to triangulate evidence presented by the Leadership Team and make recommendations. Student voice activities have also helped to ensure that what the students experience on the ground is compatible with the school ethos and values. Areas which have been monitored directly by Governors include, English, Maths, Science, Attendance, Pupil Premium students including student voice, SEND and Equalities.

Governors have regular access to training, including keeping up to date with changing national statistics and examination structures.

Governors have worked tirelessly to improve outcomes for students and to realise our ambitious vision for the school and will continue to challenge in all areas to ensure this happens.